ccm Cross 0226
Tuesday March 12, 2019
God’s Will Church
Mpalaza, South Africa
ccm Cross 0226
GPS/DMS 29.0549° S, 30.6085° E

Additional Photos After Testimony
4890 cdd Showering Hope
Cyber Daily Devotion
Volume 20 Number 139
Today’s Author: Pastor Bill
Romans 15:13 “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit” NKJV
Hello, this is Apostle Elin Nordby. This is our fourth church at God’s Will Ministry near Greytown, South Africa, to receive a ccm Cross. My personal testimony can be found from Cross 0081 on March 21, 2015 by Clicking Here.
But today I want to tell you how the Lord has been working ever since we planted our first Cross. From aiding orphans as my testimony from 2015 tells you we have begun planting churches. Pastors Bill and Carol pass by every year and if we have a new church building, they plant a Cross for us.
We go where we are led into the mountain villages and start with an open-air Gospel program on a Saturday afternoon. There is Christian music, testimonies, preaching about Jesus, snacks and used clothing when available. People have lived for generations under Ancestor Worship spells and curses which hold them back. We preach freedom from the spells and curses in the light of Jesus Christ. Every week people come to the Lord. Small groups at first then as people are set free more come to hear about Jesus.
This causes fits with the Witch Doctors.
Here in Mpalaza our numbers grew rapidly so we rented a school building to begin services on Sunday. The Witch Doctors put spells and curses on us but when they did not work, they put up road blocks to keep us out. When that failed, they altered the road so we couldn’t reach the school. They did everything they could to prevent us from reaching the people. Time after time again their Satanic powers failed, and the light of Jesus shined ever so brightly. More people came and more kept coming.
The local Chief saw what was going on and investigated. He called us to meet with him. We prayed and asked the Lord for favor. At our meeting the chief said his investigation showed that what we were teaching was good for his people. He asked us to continue. He gave us a plot of land and asked us to place a building on it. He gave us the deed. We prayed for favor and the Lord gave us land, a church and blessings unspeakable.
We built a small round hut church with a straw roof. The chief told us to put a sturdy fence around our new land to keep out people and animals that didn’t belong.
The church looks small from the outside but last week we had more than 100 people attend our church service. The Holy Spirit was moving mightily among the people.
My favorite Bible verse is: Romans 8:28 “We know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose” NKJV
The Cross planted showers hope on all who believe. It is just a symbol, but the Power of the Cross can move mountains in anyone’s life. “For the message of the Cross is foolishness to those who are perishing but us who being saved it is the power of God.” 1 Corinthians 1:18 NKJV
This Cross planted is a call to all who live in the Mpalaza area. Jesus Christ is here. He loves you and wants to meet you.
You’ll have to excuse me now. Pastors Bill and Carol will be coming back through here next year and we need to get busy. We’ll start with a new Open-Air event in another location so we will be ready to build a church and plant a Cross when they return. Thank you, cdd readers, for providing these Crosses. You will never know until we meet in glory how your sacrificial giving has impacted people through The Power of the Cross.
Prayer: Father thank you for the Cross of Jesus Christ. There is no other symbol, logo or insignia on the earth that tells the greatest story ever told so simply, so profoundly and so completely. Thank you, Jesus, for what You did for me on the Cross for all eternity. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!