ccm Cross 0311
November 18, 2020
Pastor Michael Gomez
Zion Christian Community Church
Pangasinan, Philippines
ccm Cross 0311
GPS/DMS 15.8949° N, 120.2863° E

5261 cdd Goodbye Gangsters
Cyber Daily Devotion
Volume 21 Number 248
Today’s Author: Pastor Bill
Hello, my name is Pastor Mike Gomez from the Zion Christian Community Church in Pangasinan, Philippines. I was born in the Capitol city of Manila, Philippines an only child. My father and mother were business entrepreneurs. This is my ccm Cross Testimony of how Jesus saved me from myself for His glory.
Growing up there was no Christian influence in my life. When I turned into my teen years I joined a gang of wicked street kids. My life was going downhill as I earned the reputation for being a starter, an instigator of trouble. My job was to provoke a situation allowing our gang to monopolize a situation to steal from, corrupt and destroy people’s lives. I was good at it and proudly carried around my moniker “Gangster.”
That was a three year period in which I was out of control. Then I was instructed by our gang leader to attend a traveling evangelist meeting and turn the place into chaos. Other gang members would be present to exploit the people once the mayhem began. The Lord had other plans.
The Holy Spirit grabbed me, and I heard and understood the entire gospel presentation. It broke my heart to hear how Jesus lived and then died on a Cross for my sins. I gave my life to Christ that night and was transformed immediately. There I was, 13 years old — king of my destiny as a gangster — running wild in the streets of Manila. Then BANG!
John 3:16 was preached. The love of God engulfed me. It was followed by 1 John 5:12-13. “He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life. These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life, and that you may continue to believe in the name of the Son of God” NKJV
I followed that Evangelical Baptist Preacher and he taught me the things of the Bible. My life was revolutionized for Jesus. Before I was 19 years old I was preaching the word of God with power as signs and wonders followed.
I met my wife Noralyn Loyola. She too was on fire for Jesus and four girls followed. Today everyone is part of our fellowship. Our eldest daughter is Micah Charisse, 29, our Worship Leader. Our 2nd daughter is Precious Diane, 27, our Bass Guitar player. Our 3rd daughter is Hannah Joy, 24, our Lead Guitarist and Worship Leader. Our 4th and youngest daughter Mikaella Faith, 15, is a backup vocalist. Our two grandchildren are named Shekinah Lorraine 10 and Shanaiah Krystalie 4.
Noralyn Loyola and I grew up together in the Lord. We worked for the Lord and attended Bible schools and applied our teachings daily. We finished the Bible schools while Pastoring and planting Churches. To date we have planted 15 churches, and each of us has earned 3 Christian directed PhD’s.
We have experienced many miracles through the years, but two stand out in my life that clearly confirm what we are doing for the Lord.
First, when I was a gangster and received Christ, that night our gang leader was very unhappy. Not only had I failed to cause the chaos necessary for the gang to operate but I turned my life to Jesus rejecting all the gang stood for. The leader sought me out to kill me. We met and the Holy Spirit took over. He listened. He heard Acts 20:24 in my defense and accepted Christ. He joined with me in serving Christ and is still in our church today.
Second, I had a medical emergency and was unable to reach the hospital promptly. By the time I arrived at the hospital there was talk of “it’s too late” “The infection has spread throughout his whole body and there is nothing we can do” “Gather family and friends to say goodbye.” “We cannot touch him.”
The Lord intervened when a doctor stepped up saying let’s give it a try. Four doctors entered and worked on me over 6 hours. Everyone was praying. The doctors were unable to control the infection. They gave up. Prayers were surrounding me as I hung on for a week. Then it was over. The Lord healed me, and I walked out of the hospital.
My life is full for the Lord with so many events, meetings and services. We are currently building a new church building that will be a harbor for sinners.
I like best to evangelize, introducing people to the Lord Jesus Christ. It is so rewarding to see unbelievers become Jesus followers full of love and ready to serve others.
My favorite Bible verse is Acts 20:24 “But none of these things move me; nor do I count my life dear to myself, so that I may finish my race with joy, and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God” NKJV
The Cross to me speaks the Victory of Jesus over death. Put your faith and trust in Jesus and you will never walk alone.
Pastor Bill thank you for this big, beautiful Cross. It has been established here as a landmark for all to see. It is a tool for Christ as people begin to understand the sacrifice He made for us.
Construction on our new building continues but something very special has happened here. This Cross attracts people we have never met before. They come and pray. They come and comment on its beauty.
And there has been a steady flow of people bringing cement, sand, tools and other building materials to help us. People we never met before — people we don’t know — in the middle of a historic typhoon season and during this horrendous pandemic step up. The POWER OF THE CROSS in Action. A symbol of the love of Jesus and the sacrifice He made for us.
Prayer: Father thank you how Jesus turns lives from destruction to construction of Your Kingdom. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!