Cross 0321
Wednesday March 17, 2021
Reverend Chenge
Pentecostal Assemblies of Zimbabwe (PAOZ)
14033 Brundish
Chinhoyi, Zimbabwe
ccm Cross 0321
GPS/DMS 17˚23’2.820” S 30˚11’53.538” E

Additional Photos After Testimony
372 cdd HIV Survivor
Cyber Daily Devotion
Volume 21 Number 095
Today’s Author: Susan Masuka and Pastor Bill
Scripture: Romans 11:5
“In the same way then, there has also come to be at the present time a remnant according to God’s gracious choice.” NKJV
Hello my name is Chengetanai Unity Mudereki. I am the Pastor for Pentecostal Assemblies of Zimbabwe (PAOZ). Everyone calls me Reverend Chenge. This is my Cross testimony of how Jesus saved me from my sins and the scourge of HIV for His Glory.
I grew up in Mutare, Zimbabwe which is 150 miles South East of the Capitol city of Harare. I was the fourth born of 8 children. My biological father died when I was 2 years old, and I was raised by my mom and step father who is a Pastor.
When I was 14 years old I was sexually abused. I was not able to speak out about it. Sadly, because of the abuse I became rebellious looking for love in all the wrong places and involved in risky sexual behavior.
I received Christ as my Lord and personal savior in 1997. It was at a crusade presented by Canadian missionaries. Saturday evening, they screened the film The Passion of Christ. I accepted Christ that very night. Later that evening I was baptized in the Holy Spirit and began speaking in tongues.
My mother passed on to be with the Lord from a stroke. At the same time, I discovered that I was HIV positive. From then on, I prayed and asked the Lord to keep me healthy. I made a vow before the Lord to abstain from sexual activity until I was married.
The Lord has been faithful to me and kept me strong and healthy without drugs despite my HIV status. I am open with everyone about my life in Christ and past poor choices.
In 2007 God called me to go to Bible college and become a Pastor. I only had a handbag with me and no money when I applied. The Holy Spirit took control of the situation and I worked as a cook on campus during the day and at night I worked as a security guard in order to pay my fees.
I graduated in 2011 and completed my internship here in Chinhoyi. In 2012 the Pastor assigned 4 lady congregants to me and we began a new church.
It is my greatest joy when I am preaching, teaching or helping someone through their challenges. I have seen the Lord do many miracles as we pray but the one that recurs often is praying for barren women. There are 15 previously barren women in Chinhoyi whom God has blessed with children after we prayed.
The Cross means a lot to me. I am qualified because of the Cross and I am who I am today because of it.
My prayer is that whenever anyone in the community sees this Cross at our Church they will realize that we emphasize and uphold the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Last year Jesus provided the husband I had been praying for. He is Sydney Mudereki. I kept my vow to the Lord, and He answered my prayer with health and now 15 years later my husband.
My favorite Bible verse is John 3:16, I love the part where it says whosoever believes in Jesus Christ (in the Cross) will not perish but have eternal life.
I want to thank Christian Cross Ministries and the Zimbabwe Youth For Christ Team for coming to plant this Cross at our church.
Prayer: Father thank You for honoring the vow Reverend Chenge made and restoring her health and providing her husband, for Your Kingdom purposes. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!