ccm Cross 0262
Sunday May 12, 2020
Christ Community Church
Forsyth, Georgia
ccm Cross 0262
GPS/DMS 33°02’03.5″N 83°56’17.5″W

Additional Photos After Testimony
5136 cdd Drug Kid
Cyber Daily Devotion
Volume 21 Number 123
Today’s Author: Pastor Bill
Scripture: Ephesians 4:15-16
“We will speak the truth in love, growing in every way more and more like Christ, who is the head of his body, the church. He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love” NLT (Bible Paraphrase)
Hello, my name is Steve Reeves with Christ Community Church in Forsyth, Georgia. And this is my Cross testimony of how from the beginning God has directed my life. No matter my situation Jesus reigns.
I was born the youngest of 10 children in Stockbridge, Georgia. My dad was an entrepreneur farmer who was active in all kinds of lucrative money-making adventures. Dad excelled from owning a sawmill, to owning and operating a mobile home park to buying and selling land. He was blessed with success which kept us all fed well.
Growing up I was a drug kid. I was drug to church, drug to Sunday school and drug to every event in every church that had a door open. But it wasn’t until my oldest sister received Jesus Christ as Lord in her life that the light bulb went on in my heart. I followed. Then my dad and the rest of the family. My oldest brother Paul became a dynamic preacher of the word.
My dad with his entrepreneur skills bought an old school bus. Outfitted it for Jesus and drove everywhere to pick up kids for Sunday School and Church. Rich kids, poor kids, old kids and young kids. They all enjoyed his bus ride to and from a day with Jesus. My dad stepped up to the plate, hit a grand slam home run becoming a great man of faith.
My walk with the Lord stated when I heard a voice call to me by name from the barn. I asked my mom if she was calling. No was her answer. I was puzzled. Then it happened again. I asked again, “momma is that you?” She said, “No child, it is for you to find out who. Go see.”
The presence of Jesus was strong. He was calling. I didn’t quite know what to do with such an event, so I went about my daily life. When I was 12 my older brother Paul was preaching and holding tent revivals. He placed me on stage, and I joined with the choir. I was on the road following him and learning how to preach.
When I was 19 years old we were watching the Ten Commandments Movie on an Easter Sunday evening. All the pieces fell into place for me. That night, one on one with Jesus I dedicated my life to Him. From that day forward I never looked back.
It was the beginning of my burden for souls. My friends knew I went to church and accepted that. But this evangelism stuff was a bit over the top for them. I was on my own for Jesus in whatever direction He led.
I began street witnessing and visiting prisoners in jail. I went to nursing homes and told everyone about my Jesus. I met Pastor Steve at Lighthouse Church — he taught me the basics — Jesus gave me the experience.
I had so many great Sunday School teachers growing up and their stories came alive. Jonah, Moses, Elijah, Samson and David — on and on. My brother Paul was a walking – talking Bible and I desired to do that too. I just could not get enough of Jesus.
I studied the Bible, read the Bible, prayed and fasted — all I wanted was more of Jesus. I joined with an Assemblies of God Group for a short time and they had classes to learn more. I joined them for mission trips to Russia and Mexico. The Lord was showing me what to do and how to do it.
I met Patty in eighth grade. She became a part of my journey to find and serve Jesus. We were married when I was 20 years old and we have 2 boys, Jacob and James.
Patty became skilled at children’s ministry and soon we were bussing 200 kids to Sunday School. We started a church in Stockbridge, Georgia. It grew as our walk with the Lord grew — we were on fire for the Lord and it was a Holy Ghost inspired wildfire!
We moved here to Forsyth, Georgia and built our church in an empty field. We started with 35 people which was soon 100. After that the growth was strong and steady 200, 300…
The Lord has done some amazing miracles like the little girl that was brought to us for prayer. She was burned in a tent fire all over her body. We prayed and as we prayed her healing took place right before us. Hallelujah — Thank you Jesus.
My nephew was struck in the head with an arrow that was shot in error in his direction. It literally pierced his head on the left side and exited on the right. A helicopter was dispatched to pick him up with arrow still in his head. When he reached the hospital the doctors gave him no chance for a normal life — if he lived.
We prayed. He lived and today he is just as normal as any young man. To God be all the Glory.
A young child was found at the bottom of a swimming pool. She was pulled from the water and resuscitation did no good. Blood was running out of her nose and ears. I had learned from my daddy how he prayed in difficult times. I said, “Good Master, My God allow this child to live a normal life.” She opened her eyes and today is living a normal life.
The Lord has been gracious, but it is not all the time. He is in control.
My wife Patty became ill two years ago. We prayed, prayer chains around the world prayed but the Lord had need of her in heaven. I asked the Lord to spare her life like the little girl in the tent fire, my nephew with the arrow in his head and the little girl in the pool. But His ways are greater than our ways.
So, we continue to walk with the Lord one day at a time knowing that Patty is in a better place still worshiping her Lord and King.
The Cross means to me the Power of the Gospel unto salvation. Others are offended by the Cross — But to those who believe in Jesus we know the Cross is the solution to every problem known to mankind.
This Cross planted is a statement for all who pass by that this is a Church on a hill that believes in Jesus Christ as Lord, believes in the Bible and embraces the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. We anticipate that this Cross will send a clear message to those who see it that they will one day have to give an account for who they are and what they have done because of what Jesus Christ did on the Cross.
This Cross planted will silently reach people we otherwise would never have opportunity to meet. To God Be All The Glory!
Prayer: Father thank You that Your love and authority show no boundaries and become an integral part of lives You chose to bless. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!