ccm Cross 0239
Thursday January 28, 2020
Pentecostal Assemblies of Zimbabwe
Chinhoyi, Zimbabwe
ccm Cross 0239
GPS/DMS 17° 21′ 55.1” S 30° 11′ 37.0” E

Additional Pictures After Testimony
5045 cdd Dead Drunk
Cyber Daily Devotion
Volume 21 Number 032
Scripture: John 10:10
“The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I (Jesus) have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly” NKJV (Emphasis Added)
My name is Pastor Elvis Elfas Makiwa with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Chinhoyi, Zimbabwe. I grew up in Masvingo, Zimbabwe about four hours south of the Capital city of Harare, the youngest of 9 children. My dad was an excellent carpenter while mom helped till fields for extra income when she was not tending children. We were a marginal Christian family that never considered church a priority in life.
Growing up I was an accomplished artist with musical and dancing skills. This all kept me busy through the teen years. Then I was hired by the government to work in the tourism department as a Graphic Artist. It was a lot of fun being creative for Zimbabwe. But there was a dark side. I became a dancing instructor in my off-working hours and joined a group of heavy drinkers. We danced hard and drank hard. We lived to party!
My brother had a friend Clifford who was always praying for me. Whenever he would see me he asked me to go to church with him. He was persistent and I made an appointment to meet him at church. I showed up as promised dead drunk. I smelled like a brewery, was incoherent and slumped into a pew.
Clifford would have nothing to do with me. I stayed for the service and the most remarkable thing happened. I was dead drunk but perfectly understood and listened intently to every word the preacher said.
Afterwards I could not get the sermon out of my head. He preached on John 10:10 “The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I (Jesus) have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly” NKJV — I had a choice to make. In a drunken stupor, while slumping over and drooling in my church pew, with no one near me for the smell, I chose Jesus.
My life changed drastically. It took about three weeks to get the booze and smoking out of my system. All the while I attended Scripture Union Bible studies as a clean man. I never went back to the booze and cigarette butts. Every Wednesday I was in a Bible study and every Sunday I was in church. My friends could not believe it — they said it would pass. They said I’d be back. I never ever went back. I chose Jesus and stuck with Him.
I progressed in Scripture Union from student to teacher. It was during a teaching Bible session I met Dorothy. We were married in 1985 as ordinary members of the church. Ten years later in 1995 we had three of our four children and I was pastor of a church in our home.
I left the life of a Graphic Artist and now Pastor the Pentecostal Assemblies of Zimbabwe here in Chinhoyi, Zimbabwe.
Through the years the Lord has been so good to me through visions, signs, wonders and miracles. It is through His grace, love and kindness that we always make a way.
When I became a Christian my job as a Graphic Artist was preserved until I became a Pastor from an evil boss who spent his time devising ways to fire me. In the end he was terminated and told to never return. The Angels protected me.
I was bludgeoned with a steel pole. Most all the blood in my body was drained out before help could arrive. The Lord resurrected me.
When I’ve prayed for people in need the Lord provided, health, marriage restoration, finances and life. His faithfulness is ongoing and eternal.
Pastors Bill and Carol thank you so much for planting this Christian Flag for us. The Cross as a symbol of Jesus Christ will be a witnesses to all that this is a place where they will meet Jesus. He captured my life and he will do it for all who come. I was drunk, smelly and incoherent when the Holy Spirit whispered in my ear, so clearly I remember it today — just as it was back then — today, instantly, right now, He’ll do it for you too!
Repeat this prayer. Father I am a sinner. The things I have done were wrong. I do not want to do them ever again. Please forgive me and set me free of all consequences. — Right now — I accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior to never look back. Thank you Jesus for a fresh start with You. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen