ccm Cross 0213
Friday March 8, 2019
The New Hope Center
Bethany, eSwatini (Swaziland) Africa
ccm Cross 0213
GPS/DMS 26°30’00.32″S 31°15’43.99″E

Additional Photos After Testimony
4840 cdd Perfectly in Balance
Cyber Daily Devotion
Volume 20 Number 089
Today’s Author: Pastor Bill
Scripture: Matthew 25:46
“And these will go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous into eternal life” NKJV
Hello, my name is Dr. Elizabeth Hynd with The New Hope Center and Ministries on Bethany Mountain in eSwatini, Africa. Formerly known as Swaziland. Everyone calls me Elizabeth. I was born in Manzini (Bremersdorp in those days), Swaziland, into a long family line of devout Christians, the oldest of three girls. My great grandparents were missionaries, my Grandparents were missionaries and my dad and mom were physician missionaries in Swaziland. This is my Cross story of how the Lord challenged, molded and prepared me for a lifetime of service for Him.
I was seven years old when an elderly lady came from America to speak to the children of our church about a lifelong commitment to Jesus Christ. About 800 of us gathered in the Old Stone Church (now the eSwatini Christian Heritage Museum) to hear a hellfire and brimstone sermon of why we should serve the Lord. When the smoke had settled and we learned who her god was — it was clear that she was not teaching about serving the tender, loving, caring all-knowing God that I knew.
After her presentation I spoke with my dad and told him what I thought, “Dad, I can’t serve a god like that lady spoke about. I can’t do it.” My dad was tender in his response, “Let’s not publicize this.” I agreed and followed with, “Please never pray again for me when I’m present.” That was that!
Ten years later I’m studying at the University as a committed atheist. I turned my back on religion and God. I was steeped in the drug culture of the day (Praise God I never used any drugs) living in the debauchery of secular humanism day to day. I was studying to be a medical doctor just like my mom and dad when I entered my science class. We studied how everything was made. I realized how perfect it all was. Everything in our universe was perfectly in balance. The slightest deviation would mean instant destruction. Also, I was amazed at the beauty of everything in our universe.The intense beauty that only a loving supreme being could have created.
God revealed himself to me through this revelation. Only a brilliant, all knowing, all loving, caring and purposeful God could do this. Not a random amoeba stepping out of slime.
I had to know who God was. I continued my medical studies while seeking the God of our universe. Then my grandparents died (my Mum’s parents) one month apart. They were in their 80’s. I had given my Mum a vacation from caring for them during my Summer school holidays. I had cared for them for the last three months of their lives. They passed away just after I returned to university.
I was assigned to the Enocology Ward for my first clinical assignment and it was too much. Their deaths haunted me and the trauma drove me to the brink of suicide. However, as a logical scientist the Lord led my thoughts: “What right did I have to terminate my life when it was not my right to begin my life at conception?”
A friend of mine dropped in for coffee. She was a Presbyterian Sunday school teacher. After a lengthy discussion I was driven to pick up my Bible to prove a point! As I opened my Bible and before I could start reading, an invisible hand began writing with an invisible pen using fire — not ink. “God so loved the world…” (the whole of John 3:16)
I snapped it closed. Could this be! I caught my breath and once again randomly opened the Bible. The invisible hand writing with fire appeared again. “God so loved the world…” Now I was stunned, my scientifically trained mind was obviously hallucinating.”
I opened my Bible a third time and again the invisible hand began writing in cursive with fire, “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever shall believe in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.” John 3:16
I fell to my knees pleading, “Lord God I need to be loved like this.” After many hours of prayer that night I awoke in the morning declaring, “Yes, I am a Christian.”
I knew the Word of God said “do not forget to fellowship with the saints” so I knew I had to find a church fellowship. God was now leading me to tell everyone I knew, including the atheists, and my family about my “God” decision. I wanted everyone to know at the same time and not through the grapevine. I had a wedding invitation printed with symbols of a ring and dove. I sent it to everyone I knew. This included my drug culture, debauchery filled friends of my past, as well as family and casual friends. 300 people showed up — only 7 of whom were part of the congregation where God had led me. Everyone else was there for my wedding day with the King of the Universe.
My testimony of the invisible hand and finding Jesus opened doors that had been closed for years. Everyone present was touched. Those who knew Jesus and had been praying for me rejoiced, those who had never known Jesus came to faith that very night. For the next six weeks we held a Bible study with these 300 people at 5:00 AM on Sunday morning. It began a major revival for the church and the entire community.
Everyone knew from that moment on I was a Christian. My parents though had to wait until I was baptized in the Holy Ghost, a few weeks later, when I had the boldness to share my experience with them.
I graduated from University in South Africa in the medical field and headed to the USA for further education. That took me to Chicago, Illinois, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma and Nashville, Tennessee. I studied and the Lord miraculously provided funding, housing and transportation. I earned several prestigious degrees and when completed, I owed no money. God is our provider.
Then I was off to Japan where I was teaching and worked with university students in evangelism for three years. It was a tough challenge, but the Lord helped me learn the language and learn how to witness. It was a stepping stone to my next 12 years in ministry.
Hong Kong was my next ministry opportunity. I worked with Jackie Pullinger (Chasing The Dragon book fame) who is known as the Apostle to the poor and indigent. Her effective evangelism to drug addicts and the street people of Hong Kong is legendary. As her personal assistant we tackled the worst of the worst for the Lord, one by one.
Then I read a book about Africa The book described the illegal slaughter of elephants. Having grown up in Africa the massacre touched my heart. I said, “Lord, I’ll pray for them but please don’t send me back to Africa!”
That was the wrong thing to say to the Lord!
I contracted the Beijing A Strain of Flu while in Hong Kong. I was diagnosed as incurable and told to prepare for death. All my tests confirmed I was dying. I contacted my dad. He said come home to Swaziland and let us treat you. I did.
My recovery was slow and challenging as I was tethered to a bed. I was told if I could ever stand by myself, I would be on the road to recovery. Eight months later the Lord cured me after a massive infusion of vitamins caused my body to restart life. I stood up long enough for a cup of tea to boil. To God Be All The Glory I was on the road to recovery!
My story in eSwatini would be remiss if I did not include reading about the visitation of Jesus to one of our founding Kings, King Somhlolo, back in the 1830s. He had a vision that people would come to his country with pointed noses and straight hair. They would carry a book and a coin. He was told in the vision, “Ignore the coin and eat the book on the inside and your nation will live.” I received this message as my call that I had to serve in Africa in the nation eSwatini which prophetically is called the Pulpit of Africa.
Years later after my healing I spent a week praying, fasting and seeking the Lord for my future. The fourth day, Jesus downloaded His vision for New Hope Centre. He said, “Take up that paper and pen and write this down.” I wrote from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Everything was spelled out in detail how New Hope Centre would be like Noah’s Ark to rescue a remnant of children and raise them up to be leaders to the Nations. Within five years everything was in motion just as it was written and the funding for New Hope was secured.
We now have 62 children of which 30 are in school. I adopted 54 of the children when it was legal and for the other 8 I am now their legal guardian. A few are challenged with HIV infection and we work closely with the PEPFAR program signed into place by President George Bush. None of our kids are sick. PEPFAR has done wonders to help stabilize the national HIV threat. We have had some completely cured of HIV by the power of the Holy Spirit. President Donald Trump just recently signed to extend the PEPFAR program, for which we are deeply grateful as we need time for the Spirit of God to sweep over the nation with revival and healing.
What I like best about what I do is interaction with people of all ages. I have a passion for teaching children to understand the spiritual realm of their relationship with Jesus Christ. Helping them define that their spiritual realm is more real and will last forever verses the natural realm which will pass away in corruptibleness.
What the Cross means to me is best expressed in the old Christian hymn.
“At the Cross, at the Cross, where I first saw the light
And the burden of my heart rolled away
It was there by Faith, I received my sight
And now I am happy all the day”
These three Crosses planted are a symbol of a choice for all of mankind. Jesus went voluntarily to the Cross. And He clearly established a choice for all of us. The thief on His left refused to accept Jesus and perished — in eternity Jesus will not know Him. The thief on his right repented of his sins and accepted Jesus as Lord, Saviour, Redeemer and King of Kings. In eternity he will be known by Jesus.
We have the same choice — number 1 — Repent of sins and receive the mercy of the Lord to be known by Him for all eternity — number 2 — Reject Jesus and be forever unknown in everlasting punishment for all eternity. What do you choose?
Prayer: Father thank you for the Love of Jesus that He would reach down from heaven and endure the Cross for such a sinner as me. Yes, I willingly pick up my Cross and follow Him and I repent of all my sins and accept His mercy — right here, right now. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!