ccm Cross 0211
Tuesday February 26, 2019
African Episcopal Methodist (AEM) Church
Sasolburg, South Africa
ccm Cross 0211
GPS/DMS 26° 51′ 01.4”S 27° 52′ 47.2”E

Additional Photos After Testimony
4829 cdd Held at Gun Point
Cyber Daily Devotion
Volume 20 Number 078
Today’s Author: Pastor Bill
Scripture: Proverbs 3:5-8
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths. Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the Lord and depart from evil. It will be health to your flesh, And strength to your bones” NKJV
Hello, my name is Reverend Peter Mahlatsi. Everyone calls me Rev. Peter. I was born in the town of Lindley, South Africa. It’s about 130 miles South of Johannesburg in the Free State, the third of eight children. Our dad was a farmer while mom was busy taking care of us. Ever since I can remember dad was a lay preacher in our local AME Church.
When I was young it was the example of my dad’s love for Christ that inspired me to become a preacher. At first, I wanted to do what he did. But soon I learned that his faith was very personal and began a search for my own identity in Christ.
I graduated high school desiring to be a preacher. I attended Bible school off and on and took correspondence courses to learn more. My day job was an ambulance driver for the Red Cross. My life was taking shape and I met my wife Gladys. She was a born again, spirit filled, on fire young lady for Jesus. A year and one half later we were married.
I was still driving my ambulance while pursuing a permanent career as a preacher. We attended a church seminar on spiritual growth and realized that I was unable to say the words, “Born again.” The group put it to prayer and the spiritual bondage holding me back from fully committing my life to Christ was broken.
When the bondage was broken Jesus became real in my life. I was no longer just going to church being a “good” man. I was now building a relationship with Jesus Christ. My life in Christ flourished.
I was driving my ambulance when a driver smashed into me. The ambulance rolled over 4 times and was crushed. When I stopped spinning, I crawled out from under the wreckage and sat down. I began feeling around my body and when I got to my face, I felt my lip was torn wide open and blood was gushing out. My neck was in severe pain. Two weeks in the hospital and I was back driving a new ambulance. The doctors said it was a miracle I was alive. The Lord had protected me.
My adventures with my ambulance were just beginning. A few months later I was stopped for a red light when two men came out of nowhere and stood in front of the ambulance with guns. There was a third man with a gun at my drivers window. One man in front pointed his gun at me through the windshield and yelled, “get out.”
I did as I was told. The man at my window grabbed me and took me to the back of the ambulance. The other two men got into the ambulance. One man shouted, “Get him in the back.” The man with me motioned for me to open the back door of the ambulance shouting, “Get in.” I reached for the door when I heard the Lord speak to me.” “He said, “Tell them the door is locked and you need the keys.” I did. The man next to me shouted to the men in the front. “Throw me the keys so I can unlock the door.” The men in front became angry — yelling and swearing violently. They said, “Leave him and get up here.”
They left me by the side on the road as they drove away. The door was not locked, and the police never found any trace of the ambulance.
My ambulance experiences were still not over. I had a total of three accidents with my ambulance. None of them were my fault but my body took a beating. Then one day I woke to find that my legs would not work. I could not move them over the next few days. Then my body from the middle of my chest down stopped functioning. I was rushed to the hospital and there spent three weeks being examined. Based on all the tests they could not determine any specific cause. I could move my arms freely — my head and mind were fine. After three weeks I was sent home with a wheel chair as doctors could do nothing for me.
They were unable to determine a cause for my paralysis from my chest down. Nor did they offer an action plan for getting well. One doctor told me it was a miracle I was alive. He said, “Your heart and lungs are still working in an area of my body that not one other muscle works.”
I was bed ridden and over the next six months prayer sustained me. Our friends, relatives, church people and others I didn’t even know began praying for me. I was alive and holding on in faith that the Lord would heal me.
Several months later my family went to church without me. I was alone at home praying when I heard the Lord say, “get up.” It had been months in that wheel chair. I reached out and pulled myself up. There was a walker in the corner. I made my way over there. I pushed it to the garage leaving it by the trunk of the car.
Over the next 45 minutes I worked my way into the car. Turned it on and had enough strength in my legs to begin driving while operating the brake and gas pedals. As I backed out of the garage I ran over and smashed the walker. I made my way to church where everyone was gathered. They were stunned when they saw me stumble through the door. Everyone began praising the Lord and crying for joy.
From that day forward everything began working. It has been eighteen years since that happened. And today my health is fine. The Lord brought me back for His work.
Through the years many have come for healing prayers and help. The Lord is in control and as He sees the needs they are met. I received a special anointing praying for children.
Our teen children today are engaged in drinking, smoking and drugs. Parents bring them for deliverance from such things. When they ask for help the Lord responds. The change of countenance in the children is remarkable.
It is clear to me that without the Cross there is no connection to Jesus Christ. Jesus gave His life on the Cross and those who ignore it as a symbol of His life, death and resurrection are missing the values of Christianity.
The church and this building had no message before this Cross was planted. It was just another building in the township. But today it stands tall among all the buildings. This Cross is shouting to everyone “THIS IS A CHURCH, COME HERE AND PRAY TO THE LIVING GOD. JESUS CHRIST.”
As a Pastor my most enjoyable times are preaching and counseling. Anytime I can reach someone for Christ it is a win, win. Everlasting life for them and more souls for heaven. It doesn’t get any better than that!
My favorite Bible verse is Psalms 23. When in time of need such as I experienced there is such comfort in this entire chapter of the Bible.
Prayer: Father thank you that you open doors that no man can perceive. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!
Editors note: Last year about this time Rev. Peter gave an inspiring message to his congregation about the Cross. He asked the congregation to pray about putting up a Cross in their yard. A few days later Rev. Peter was listening to a Christian talk show on his local South African radio station. Pastor Carol and I were being interviewed by Israel Mosehla (Cross 0078) about planting Crosses in South Africa, Africa and around the world.
During a commercial break the phone rang. It was Rev. Peter. We spoke briefly on the air and we promised him a Cross next year. We kept our promise and today there stands a Cross in their church yard just as he asked his congregation to pray about. Thank you, readers. Your prayers and financial support made this possible thousands of miles from where you are. The Lord makes ways where there are no ways. PTL! pb