ccm Cross 0204
Friday February 8, 2019
Assemblies of God Church
Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe
ccm Cross 0204
Additional Photos After Testimony
4799 cdd Powerful Course of Action
Cyber Daily Devotion
Volume 20 Number 048
Today’s Author: Pastor Bill
Scripture: Philippians 4:13
“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” NKJV
Hello, my name is Pastor Jealous Mudenda. Everyone calls me Pastor Mudenda. I was born in Binga 200 miles East of Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe. I was the fourth born of seven children. My father was a farmer and mom looked after us. My dad and mom had a background in Ancestor Worship. But that all changed when I was six years old. My mom accepted Jesus Christ as Lord of her life.
From then on, we went to church every Sunday. I went along because we were told to go. This is my Cross story of how the Lord challenged me to change my course of action for Him.
When I was 17 years old, I was asked, “If you were to die tonight, where would you go?” After an exhaustive effort to find the answer I was introduced to Jesus Christ. With Him the answer was clear — Heaven! I accepted Him as Lord in my life.
The first thing I did was change my friends. Then I committed my life to prayer and reading the word of God. I was hungry to understand the entire Bible taught.
In 1990 I moved to Victoria Falls and found a job in construction. Here I also found the Assemblies of God church which was eager to teach me more about Jesus. I became friends with Pastor Dennis, and he mentored me in the things of God.
I entered an Evangelism program. Here we learned how to evangelize people into the kingdom. Then we worked by putting what we learned into action. And finally, when we understood what we were doing we were sent off into the community. It was a powerful course of action for the Lord.
Throughout ministry, I have been asked for prayer that sets people free from many kinds of oppression. Then I pray and the Lord sets them free.
There was a couple whose child passed away. They were haunted by the cries of the child that visited them day and night. They asked for prayer. We prayed together and the haunting cries stopped.
I was invited to a home that every year was hit by lightning during thunder storms. The lightening had killed off all the animals and nothing wanted to live on the land. We prayed together. That was many years ago and lightening has not struck that place since. Animals and crops thrive their now.
A lady asked me to pray to remove terrible dreams. There was a large tree that whenever she passed, she would have a terrible dream later that night while she slept. It caused her to never walk that way which always increased her time of getting anywhere. She asked for prayer. We prayed together and now she walks past that tree all the time and no more terrible dreams.
A young couple was struggling to have children. Their first two children passed away in the womb after 6 months. They asked for prayer. Together we prayed and they now have three healthy children.
My favorite Bible verse is John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” NKJV
While Pastoring my favorite time is visitation. I enjoy meeting people and talking with them about Jesus.
The Cross is the power of God. It is through what Jesus did on the Cross that we have forgiveness for our sins and eternal life. Everyone needs a revelation of the Cross of Jesus Christ.
I want this Cross planted to be the symbol whereby passersby recognize the love of God. A love so powerful, that He sent His son to die a terrible death on the Cross for our sins. I want them to realize that through the victory of this Cross we have eternal life when we believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.
Prayer: Father thank you for the power of the Cross and how you come to the aide of the people when they ask and change the direction of their lives. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen