ccm Cross 0156
Tuesday February 6, 2018
EPWC Church
Evangelical Praise and Worship Center Church
Lydenburg, South Africa
ccm Cross 0156
GPS/DMS 25.0816° S, 30.4473° E

4546 cdd The Grace of God
Cyber Daily Devotion
Volume 19 Number 055
Today’s Author: Pastor Bill
Scripture: Hebrews 4:16
“Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need” NKJV
Hello, my name is Pastor Lucas Mdluly. Everyone calls me Pastor Lucas. I grew up in this area, amongst the mountains just outside Kruger Park, South Africa on a farm near Lydenburg, South Africa. My dad was a farm hand and mom helped as needed during harvest. We were seven children and I was number 4. Growing up I never knew what it was like going to church.
When I was twelve years old a friend invited me to his church. There was a Student Christian Movement event and he said everyone would be there. I went to the event curious to see what it was all about. Twenty minutes into the program the preacher was only talking to me. He preached on Romans 10:10: “For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation” NKJV
I received Jesus that night and the Holy Spirit turned my life inside out. Within days all my friends abandoned me. That was not enough for them and their one-time friendship turned to bitterness and hatred. I was left alone. Then my dad died.
What could have been two major disasters turned into blessings as The Grace of God covered me. First, my new friends were all Christians and they began helping me understand what it was to live the Christian life. Second, the farmer that my dad had been working for chose to step in and do for me what my father couldn’t. He paid for my schooling and made sure we were all fed and taken care of. I grew close to the farmer and he helped mold my Christian walk. The Grace of God was evident in everything that happened to me. The farmer helped me through high school and even introduced me to my first employer.
Then tragedy struck in a way I never thought could be possible. I was 18 years old and was riding my bike when a car made a tragic swerve running me over. It was just an instant. Just in the twinkle of an eye. I was dragged into the middle of the road.
Then the most amazing thing happened. An Angel picked me up and removed me to the side of the road. The Angel handled me ever so gently and softly placed me by the side of the road out of all the traffic and harm’s way.
There were emergency medical people all around me and I heard the driver of the car speaking over me. He was saying while crying, “I’m sorry, so sorry. I didn’t mean to run him over. And now he’s dead.”
I was rushed to the hospital where I was revived and walked out a few days later. The Grace of God once again interceded for me.
I met my wife Betty. We were still very young, and we married. We now have 4 children. Ages, 21, 11, 8 and 9 months.
Raising our family has been especially rewarding and I can see The Grace of God continuing in their lives.
I have been the Pastor at the EPWC Church (Evangelical Prayer & Worship Center) in Lydenburg, South Africa for nearly six years now. We started small and we are growing. It is the right church at the right time as the Holy Spirit guides me. The Grace of God spills out of me and our church members are blessed.
When we first started the church, we met in a tent. A violent wind and rain storm tore our tent to pieces. That’s when we chose to build our current building.
We have now poured our new church building floor. We are excited to see how the Grace of God will work for our future building.
My favorite Bible verse is John 3:16: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” NKJV
The Cross as a symbol means that Jesus died for me. Christ removed my sins and is preparing a better place for me in heaven. Jesus alone is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one goes to the Father except through Him.
Our neighborhood will view this large Cross and will be presented with a church that loves Christ. We will be here for them when they turn from their wicked ways and embrace the King of Kings. And we are ever so grateful to share with them The Grace of God.
Prayer: Father thank you for your grace which covers Your people. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!