Thursday October 26, 2017
JHM Camp
Jesus History Makers Ministry
Alaminos, Philippines
ccm Cross 0152
GPS/DMS 16°11’11.7″N 120°00’03.9″E

4470 cdd Dream Big
Cyber Daily Devotion
Volume 18 Number 240
Today’s Author: Pastor Bill
Scripture: Jeremiah 32:27
“Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh. Is there anything too hard for Me?” NKJV
Hello, my name is Pastor Dan Azarcon with JHM Camp. JHM stands for Jesus History Makers and this is my testimony of how Jesus healed me and answers my prayers. He turned my life from one of religious ritual into a personal relationship with Him and I am forever grateful.
I grew up near Tarlac City in the Philippines in a rural community. I was the oldest of four children. Dad and mom owned a small restaurant. We were a religious family steeped in tradition and went to church every Sunday.
When I was 18 years old I contracted an STD. A sexually transmitted disease. I tried different medicines, but nothing cured me. I was anxious and fearful for my future. I prayed and cried out to the Lord for help. My answer came in a way I never dreamed could happen.
A friend invited me to his church fellowship. I went although I didn’t know why. During the service I found myself weeping and praying, asking Jesus to heal me. The preacher was a Korean Missionary who kept preaching and I kept weeping. Eventually asking for forgiveness. I went home and retuned to life as usual. One week later my prayer was answered, and I was miraculously healed.
My life changed immediately as I wanted to know more about this carpenter from Nazareth. I read the Bible and for the first time and Jesus became clear to me. I became active in the Korean Missionaries church on Sundays, Wednesdays and in the young adult group.
I became joyful as the Holy Spirit filled me with love and I never stopped. My Pastor was adamant that I should attend Bible School. I prayed for a ministry companion. Then I met Melody. We worshiped together as I led the youth group and then enrolled in Bible school.
I prayed and asked the Lord to save my entire family. He answered as my whole family accepted Jesus Christ as Lord. Then my fondest prayer was answered when Melody and I married in my third year of Bible school. Then I graduated.
I became an assistant Pastor. I just wanted to be used by the Lord in His service. We prayed for wisdom and the church grew. We prayed for increase and I became a vice-director. We prayed and asked the Lord, “When is the time to begin our own Ministry?”
That prayer was answered quickly. We received signs and words to begin. The Lord was calling us to begin JHM — Jesus History Makers Ministries. The confirmations were too many to ignore.
In 2009 we started JHM on our knees. We prayed for growth. This is what has happened.
1. A few of us met in a small meeting room
2. We grew. Then into a public park as we filled up
3. We grew. We expanded to a university class room
4. We grew. A hotel hall was then needed to hold all the people
5. We grew. Followed by renting a very large meeting room area
6. We grew. And now we have been in our current church for three years
JHM works with the youth and trains future leaders for the Lord. Capture the children for Jesus and the family will follow. Currently we have eight active children outreaches all for God’s Glory. They cover all the needs of the children from the very young through high school.
The Lord has incredibly answered prayers through the years but none more powerful than the way we received this camp. We had been praying the Lord would provide the funds for this camp grounds.
One of the children we ministered to at the beginning returned to see me. We began talking and I learned that he had become a successful business man. It became clear the Lord had sent him back to us to provide the funds for the camp. He donated all the money in one lump sum.
My life is about the heart of Jesus. When we line up with the heart of Jesus things happen. Pastor Bill, tell your readers to Dream Big for Jesus! Jesus has a big heart!
The Cross is powerful. The message proclaimed by the Cross is the resurrection of Jesus Christ and everlasting life to all who believe.
This Cross planted declares to everyone that this is a place of the Lord. Come here and receive. Freely we have received and freely we give.
My favorite Bible verse is: Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” We live this verse every day.
Prayer: Father thank you for instilling big dreams that inspire and motivate creative Kingdom events. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!