Wednesday September 13, 2017
Harvest Church
Isanti, Minnesota
ccm Cross 0144
GPS/DMS 45°29′36.51”N 93°14′ 3.58”W
4425 cdd My Guidance and Strength
Cyber Daily Devotion
Volume 18 Number 195
Today’s Author: Pastor Bill
Scripture: Nehemiah 8:10b
“The joy of the Lord is your strength” NKJV
Hello, my name is Jeremiah Sedler with Harvest Church, Isanti, Minnesota and this is my Cross Testimony of how the Lord prepared me body, mind and spirit to be His worship leader. I grew up in a Christian family the youngest of four children. I have three older sisters and prayed for a brother. Then when I was 14 years old my parents adopted a young boy from Kenya, Africa. There was incredible excitement as the Lord answered this prayer in a way we never considered.
My dad worked hard and mom stayed at home taking care of us. Dad was always active in church and later in life became a Pastor.
I was always around church people and I copied a lot the things I saw. My faith was not my own, looking at it now, it was like I was piggy backing on other people’s relationships with God.
One Sunday, when I was in high school, I was convicted during a call for communion. I realized that I was responsible for my own connection with God. I needed to make my faith my own personal relationship with the Lord. I decided to seek the Bible and study and yearn for Jesus on my own. I realized it was time for me to take charge of my own Christian walk. I was studying classical piano at the time and my training was elevated as the Holy Spirit took control.
From that day forward I made a commitment to pursue God with all my heart. I did not want to say the things the people around me wanted to hear, I cared about what Jesus wanted.
It was around this time the opportunity arose to lead worship at Harvest Church. I was in a Christian College majoring in worship. I was not sure exactly how to be involved, but the Lord spoke to me through my favorite Bible verse: Joshua 1:9. “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”
I accepted this scripture as my own and I stepped out in faith. God one by one placed the right people in my path to teach me the things I needed to know.
Then the Lord provided a very special help mate for me in Rebecca. It was time to get married and start a family. Today we have been married six years and the Lord has given us two amazing children. Claira will be 3 in November and our son Uriah will be one this week.
I have led worship for many years, for multiple organizations, and Jesus continues to teach me and use my anointing in new and powerful ways. He is my guide and strength and I trust in Him to lead me in all things.
My passion is to lead people in the worship of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit does the rest as people are set free from addictions, bondages and healed.
This Cross planted is so exciting in that everything revolves around the Cross of Jesus Christ. The Cross is what is truly important. It clearly overshadows the daily nit picking and extreme sensitivity ever present with today’s technology. Through the Cross alone we are lead to eternity with the Lord.
This Cross planted screams out to our community that Harvest Church is a Lighthouse of hope. It is a powerful statement of what we believe. It is like the hand of God guiding us to the strength only Jesus Christ can provide.
Prayer: Father thank you for the Guidance and Strength through the Cross of Jesus Christ that daily encourages me. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!