ccm Cross 0066
December 13, 2014

Missao Evangelica Cuagu
(Evangelical Mission)
Benjamin Constant
San Antonio, Brazil
ccm Cross #0066

GPS/DMS Location Cross. San Antonio Brazil 12.13.14 223

Additional Pictures follow the testimony

3711 cdd On the Main Highway
Cyber Daily Devotion
Volume 16 Number 005

Today’s Author: Pastor Bill

Scripture: Psalm 150:6
“Let everything that has breath praise the Lord” NKJV

Hello, my name is Clauber Quadros and this is my Cross testimony of what Jesus Christ has done for me and my family. Also what He is doing through our Mission in Benjamin–Constant, Brazil, on the main highway in this area, the Amazon River.

I was born in 1959 in Manaus, Brazil, the 4th of 10 children. My father worked as an exporter of wood to countries all over the globe. Dad was not a Christian and mom had a religious upbringing. We did not attend church while I was growing up.

During my formative years I was always interested in indigenous tribal artifacts. This led me to eventually enter the University to become a Museologist. You probably know it as a curator of a museum. I graduated college and began working to learn more about the Brazilian culture that was hidden away since the beginning of time. I married and we had two children but our relationship was broken. My wife left the three of us.

When I was forty years old I was hired to do work on the Benjamin-Constant museum and bring it back to life after many years of neglect. This was in the heart of the Amazon and it was fulfilling my heart’s desire. Three days after taking the job I met Deonora and in 2002 we married.

Deonora’s dad and mom are indigenous missionaries from the Ticuna Tribe. I began working with them part time, after museum hours. My skills helped them organize their office which gave them more time to reach out for the Lord.

Then tragedy struck. I had smoked excessively for 25 years and was diagnosed with a serious case of emphysema which morphed into an advanced case of COPD. I could not walk, talk or breathe easily. We moved to Rio de Janeiro seeking the best hospital care.

After nine months in Rio I was not getting any better. In fact I was getting worse! While there an Irish Pastor friend called me to help restore an artifact — we met. After our meeting he prayed for me about my illness. Several days later he had a visitation form Jesus in a dream. In the visitation the Pastor was shown what I, Clauber, must do for the Lord. The Pastor was told to deliver the message. Jesus told him I must return to the Amazon to work with His young people.

At first the Pastor was reluctant to tell me out of fear of destroying our friendship. But he knew he had to do it. One morning at 6:00 AM the Pastor called very excited about this message from The Lord. He told me to go back to the Amazon as fast I could.

I was sick, could hardly breath and walking even short distances was a chore. On top of all that I had no money since I had been out of work for such a long time. I argued with the Irish Pastor who sternly said it was not an option. He said, “Either die here in Rio or return to the Amazon River and have a full life with Jesus.”

Once again I argued but the Irish Pastor just laughed at me and said, “Go now, Jesus will provide all you need. Go immediately.” He risked our friendship to deliver a harsh word from the Lord. What would you have done if you were this Pastor? And what would you have done if you were me?

I was going to die in Rio anyway so I stepped out and said, “Jesus I trust you, here is my life.”

Twenty days later we were in the Amazon where 170 children needed our help and Deonora was pregnant. Morning, noon and night we cared for the children under a large mango tree. The more I took my mind off me and my illness the better I became. The more I met the needs of the children the more Jesus met my needs. It was not about me — it was about Jesus!

Four years later my healing was complete. When we left Rio I would not have given me four days to live. But Jesus had other plans. The more I kept my eyes on Him the dimmer my problems became. The more I gave my problems to Jesus the more He stepped up and took care of my needs.

A few years later I was back in Rio and stopped to see my doctor. I told him my testimony. He took tests and determined that there remained scaring in my lungs but no emphysema or COPD. He said, “I really believe Jesus healed you because there are no medicines known to man that could have done this.”

Pastor Bill, for the past 11 years we have been working with the children and their families in this area. Our mango tree has been replaced by buildings and we have established a campus for Jesus. We are bringing everyone we meet the lifesaving Gospel of Jesus Christ. We teach the children the word of God, train them how to be moms or dads, give music instructions and develop them in sports. We feed them breakfast, lunch and dinner every day. Our work now includes nearly 300 children.

Our campus for Jesus has become a strategic base in the middle of the Amazon River, for missionaries of all faiths, to come and go. They pass up and down this main highway by boat and come for refreshment, rest and recuperation.

Through all this the Lord has restored my health — restored my family — and extended my life. All to work for Him. In the near future we plan to add training for people of all ages. Teaching them skills to earn a paycheck. Our area encompasses nearly 4,000 people, near the main highway — the Amazon River. We look for opportunities every day to share Jesus with them.

Along this journey with Jesus I’ve learned a few things and still have much to acquire.

1. The worst of times is when Jesus is at His best.
2. There is a great didactic needed introducing Jesus.
3. Jesus has purpose for everything and order for our lives.
4. The Cross is a testimony all its own and it needs to be told.

Pastor Bill, the Cross you have just planted is a lighthouse for Jesus that stands tall over the Amazon. And as our humble mission is a rest station for all who pass by — they now have a landmark that will clearly Show Them The Way. This Cross will allow us to tell all who pass by the meaning of what Jesus did for us. Thank you Jesus!

One of my favorite Bible verses is Matthew 19:14: But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” We live this every day and the more children we provide for the more Jesus provides for us.

Prayer: Father thank you for making a way where there was no way, for Clauber and Deonora, to provide physical and spiritual food, for the children of the Amazon River. And thank you that this Cross stands tall as a lighthouse on this Main Highway for Jesus. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!

Amazon Area

Insert map at the bottom shows an overview of the area
where we planted all three Crosses

Top map — on the far right — is where the San Antonio, Brazil Cross is planted

Cross. San Antonio Brazil 12.13.14 048

Walking Cross down the bluff into the marina

Cross. San Antonio Brazil 12.13.14 051

Entering the boardwalk

Cross. San Antonio Brazil 12.13.14 053

Walking a tight rope on the boardwalk

Cross. San Antonio Brazil 12.13.14 058

Carefully placing the Cross on the canoe to keep it centered

Cross. San Antonio Brazil 12.13.14 059

 Keeping the balance is everything

Cross. San Antonio Brazil 12.13.14 070

Safe and secure we get underway
We are traveling with a very fast current and our trip will take nearly two hours
Our return trip up stream against the current will take nearly three and one half hours

Cross. San Antonio Brazil 12.13.14 074

Mysterious critters in the Amazon

Cross. San Antonio Brazil 12.13.14 093

Landing at San Antonio and removing the Cross

Cross. San Antonio Brazil 12.13.14 103

Transferring the Cross through the jungle

Cross. San Antonio Brazil 12.13.14 109

Setting Cross on location

Cross. San Antonio Brazil 12.13.14 115

View from inside the fence looking over on to the river

Cross. San Antonio Brazil 12.13.14 132

With no evergreens in sight creative San Antonio villagers
make a Christmas Tree from soda bottles and cans

Cross. San Antonio Brazil 12.13.14 144

Homes along the river are built on stilts but when the river is extreme
everything is covered with water.

The Amazon River boasts the most volume of water of any river on earth.

The river fluctuates from 40 feet up to 40 feet down throughout the year  — a total swing of 80 feet (8 story building)

Cross. San Antonio Brazil 12.13.14 151

Father and son make their way to the store. Notice how low to the water the canoe sits.

Cross. San Antonio Brazil 12.13.14 166

Lifting Cross into position

Cross. San Antonio Brazil 12.13.14 174


Cross. San Antonio Brazil 12.13.14 186

Preparing concrete

Cross. San Antonio Brazil 12.13.14 191

Clauber Quadros and son Jime attaching plaque

Cross. San Antonio Brazil 12.13.14 198

Plaque over looking Amazon River in Portuguese “Declaring God’s Glory”

Cross. San Antonio Brazil 12.13.14 200

Left to right

John Fenske, Greg Thomas, Pastor Bill and Clauber Quadros

Clauber and Family

Clauber and Deonora Quadros with their three children