ccm Cross 0205
Friday February 8, 2019
Victoria Falls Assemblies of God
Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe
ccm Cross 0205

Additional Photos After Testimony
4804 cdd Herder, Tailor and Bread
Cyber Daily Devotion
Volume 20 Number 053
Today’s Author: Pastor Bill
Scripture: John 1:1 “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” NKJV
Hello, my name is Pastor Taison Mumpande with the Assemblies of God church in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe. Everyone calls me Pastor Taison. I was born the third of four children. Three girls and one boy! We lived at that time in Binga which is about 200 miles East of Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe. My dad was a government soldier and mom stayed at home with us. My dad followed Ancestor Worship. He was always calling on our Ancestors to watch over us and protect us. My dad died when I was 9 years old leaving us very poor and the Ancestor Worship stopped.
When I was seventeen, I was attacked by a swarm of hornets. I had been stung multiple times and my whole head swelled. The nearest clinic for help was a 12 hour walk away. The pain was excruciating. There was a revival going on in our village and I ran there for help. The evangelist held me and asked Jesus to heal me. Immediately the swelling subsided and I was made well.
I stayed at the revival and listened to every word preached. At the end there was an altar call and I went forward. My life had been radically changed and I had no idea what was going on!
Without money for schooling I was forced to work my way through school. I became a cow herder. I saved my money and went back to school. My grades were the highest. But I didn’t have money to continue. I became a plumber for boreholes (wells) for the next two years. Again, I saved my money and went back to school. Once again excelling in grades.
Then I was involved in a bus accident. I was severely injured, and this set me back in my goals for education. My recovery was long and slow, but God was faithful. I moved to Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe and the local Assemblies of God Pastor took me in. He gave me food and shelter along with many others from the streets. I healed up and started selling bread from a cart early every morning. I did well financially and was able to go back to school. By now I was hungry for more of the Bible. I sold bread and helped my mother and sisters get settled and then I was free to follow the Lord.
I became a Deacon at church. The Pastor encouraged me to study more of the Bible. I entered Bible school and became a tailor to pay my way through. I graduated and when I returned to the church, I was asked to oversee The Assemblies of God Church for the whole area. Today we have five churches and the Lord continues to bless us.
All my life I had flashbacks to the way my dad and mom were married. They fought and argued all the time and they were angry. When I grew up, I knew I didn’t want to do that when I was married. I prayed and asked Jesus for a woman who would understand me. A woman who could enjoy what I enjoyed. Then I met Rosa. God had answered my prayer. We were married and we now have four children. Three girls and one boy, just like my parents.
My favorite Bible verse is John 1:1 “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” NKJV
My favorite part of being a Pastor is when I’m teaching.
I know my salvation came through the Cross. Without the Cross salvation is meaningless. Forgiveness of sins, healing of diseases are all the fruits of what Jesus did for us.
When people pass by, I don’t want them to see this building as a private club. I want them to see it through the Cross and the suffering it took to get here. I want them to realize that this symbol of the Cross is an invitation to come and learn what Jesus did for them.
Prayer: Father thank you for how You select, enrich and prepare your future Kingdom workers. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!